Thursday, January 20, 2011

Amsterdam's Jewish community marks first gay marriage

The first Jewish same-sex marriage in the Netherlands, was held in the synagogue of the Liberale Joodse Gemeente (Liberal Jewish Community) in Amsterdam on Sunday.

by Stacey Cosens, click here to view original post

The first Jewish same-sex marriage in the Netherlands, was held in the synagogue of the Liberale Joodse Gemeente (Liberal Jewish Community) in Amsterdam on Sunday.

From this week, Jewish same-sex couples can have a ceremony called a Brit Ahava, a convenant of love, to confirm their relationship in one of the community’s ten synagogues, Radio Netherlands Online reports.

The Amsterdam ceremony was not a global first, as Jewish same-sex couples have been able to get married in the US for five years. The Council of Rabbis of the Dutch Union of Progressive Jewry recently ruled that Jewish same-sex couples could henceforth have their relationship confirmed in a Jewish ritual.

Rabbi Menno ten Brink of the Amsterdam Liberale Joodse Gemeente said the ceremony is called a Brit Ahava to distinguish it from a heterosexual marriage and to give it a different meaning under Jewish Halachic law. He described the ceremony for same-sex couples as a first step in the ongoing development within the Jewish community.

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